I live in a very small town? How small? So small that I had tried every bourbon they had and picked up this bottle of The Distiller’s Safe because it was one of the only bottles in the store I hadn’t tried yet. Sadly, since that first lucky day, I haven’t been able to find it again.
How good is it? Well, this should tell you something…

I’ve had this bottle of The Distiller’s Safe for two weekends, with the week in between, and I’ve found it to be so smooth, mellow, and easy to sip that it just kind of evaporates out of the bottle. Some sippers have complained that it is too mild, that the flavor isn’t there, but I have to disagree, I think this is the perfect blend of smooth, tasty caramel mixed with just the right hints of sweet fruits.
How did Jameson pull it off? As the name implies, they let their Head/Master Distiller Brian Nation have the reigns and let his skills shine through in this blended mix of pot still and grain whiskey that is aged for approximately 5 to 6 years in ex bourbon casks. Please note I’m calling it blended based on what I know, but Jameson hasn’t confirmed exactly how its made so I am making an educated guess.
Compared to regular Jameson this The Distiller’s Safe knocks the ball out of the park. It is clean, smooth, and so much more refined.
Distiller’s Safe is light in color, but don’t let that fool you, that light color hides a depth of sweet, easy sipping that earned this a very high score, easily putting it in the top of the Sip Worthy territory.
Jameson Distiller’s Safe earned every point of its 95/100.

Lighter copper mixed with touches of amber.
43.0% ABV
- So smooth that even non whiskey drinkers will enjoy it.
- Subtle but elegant.
- The nose is perfect to train on as there are plenty of swirling characteristics to pin point.
- Some people might find the subtleness to be a con. If you like strong flavors over subtle ones, this might not be the whiskey for you.
- It is very hard to find (near me).
- Can get expensive if you really liked it.