McConnell’s Irish Whisky was apparently very popular before I was born. Up until 1958 it was known world wide as a solid Irish Whiskey choice. The dram that is available now in 2020 may not be what’s available in a few years. Why? Conecuh Brands is working with Great Northern Distillery until a new, dedicated facility is built, which will be the future source of these bottles.
The current dram is a blend of 5 year and younger whiskeys, or if you want to be true to the McConnell’s branding, whisky.

The Nose
I poured way too much into this Glencairn Whisky Glass! Oh well, I guess I’ll have to sip it down a little first. The nose is pleasant. It’s light and full of cereal and malt and is quite enjoyable on the nose.
The Palate
The first note on the pallet is sweet and malty but its quickly overpowered with a bit of alcohol burn that really shows this whiskeys rough edges on the finish.
The Score – McConnell’s Irish Whisky
Overall this is Sip Worthy, but only barely. McConnell’s Irish Whisky scored a 66/100
Deep golden yellow.
42.0% ABV | 84 Proof
- Dirt cheap. I picked up this bottle for $25.
- Great budget bottle if you want quantity over quality.
- There are some sweet butter cookies under the rougher edges of the dram.
- The first note on the tongue is sweet followed by butter cookies, but instead of lingering, its quickly overpowered.
- The aftertaste is rough and jagged.